EPX, also known as Eduardo Pininga, 36, is a São Paulo based DJ, sonic artist, creative director and music producer hailing from Pernambuco, Brazil.
His work delves into what he terms as "liminal DJing", a practice aimed at expanding the language and possibilities of DJing by exploring new perspectives in performance, production and composition with the CDJ beyond the club and/or art environment.
EPX encapsulates his sonic and visual perspectives through experimentation, exploring the infinite possibilities of sound, image, and space across various creative realms.
Crossing and acting in the areas of direction, execution and creative production, based on improvisation and adaptation, it transforms and re-signifies technologies, it is the intersection between hacking and socio-technological disobedience resulting in works:
"transformative and notable not only for their bravery, but for their acidic sense of humor" .
( FactMag, 2018 )
Nuvens Ocres
In 2023, EPX released his first EP Nuvens Ocres, also the name of the perfume accompanying it, which he developed in partnership with the artist Anelena Toku.
The creative possibilities around perfume stimulated the beginning of his biggest project to date: A Loja de Atrocidades , an innovative and experimental show with more than 30 artists, with musical co-production by Caue Gas and carried out by the artistic residency Fenda, from photographer and director Hick Duarte.
Also in 2023, EPX participated in After, Pabllo Vittar's acclaimed remix album with "Culpa do Cupido," in partnership with Delcu; besides signing the soundtrack for the Jalaconda special fashion show for Mamba Negra 10th year, and co-directing the album Nov0Hh Münď0 by Lucas Swatch, released by the International Chrome label (Berlin).
Between 2016 and 2019, he worked as a producer, creative partner, and touring DJ for Linn da Quebrada on her acclaimed debut album Pajubá and during the initial performances of the Trava-Línguas project, with both projects being presented on the Boiler Room platform on two different occasions, as well as extensive national tours across the country's main festivals, stages, and cultural institutions.
All this work resulted in explosive international recognition, with invitations to perform around the world: Ceremonia (Mexico), Sonic Acts (Netherlands), CTM (Germany), Primavera Sound Festival (Spain), and Unsound (Krakow), as well as special performances during the screenings of the film "Bixa Travesty" at the Berlinale (Berlin) and Sheffeld DocFest (UK) film festivals.